Marketing Workshop
Choose, Prioritize, Plan and Execute.
Bridge the gap between strategy and execution to make an Impact. Unless it’s implemented, a Strategic Plan is a waste of time. We work with organizations of all sizes and types helping them create Strategic Clarity, Focus and Alignment.
Just developing a strategic plan is not enough to ensure success. All of the time, energy, and money invested in strategic planning is at risk of being wasted if you don’t develop the processes and behaviors necessary to actually execute your businesses strategic initiatives. That’s why here at FourteenG we find it critical to support strategic planning with a robust Strategy Execution process. We are ready to help!
The Customer Journey.
User Story Maps allow businesses to model the functional touchpoints and customer journey from awareness through delivery.
Consistent Messaging.
Content Strategy Maps allow businesses to categorically model communications and content to create consistent messaging.
Opportunity Assessment.
Opportunity Models contain quantitative market research to analyze competition, opportunity in the marketplace.