Bridge X teams
The Challenge
In 2020 the entire world changed forever, in particular small business and teams around the world felt the brunt of no more in-person presence or day-to-day work. Enter BridgeX Teams a new business inspired by the quickly evolving new world and adapting to our new normal. BridgeX Teams along with FourteenG sought to keep teams engaged, enthusiastic, and together during the Pandemic and for the future following.
The Solution
FourteenG created an entire Brand quickly and swiftly to adapt new business ideas and strategies in the new landscape of 2020. Choosing and designing company name, brand color palette, logo design, tag lines and website on an accelerated timeline to launch during a very urgent time. The brand has successfully launched and is well on its way to unifying teams across the world for years to come.
What we did:
- Branding for Startup
- Website Development
- Logo Design
- Brand Guidelines
- Illustration
- Social Media Design